About Us

Chilkersion is your one-stop destination for all your pet wellness need, committed to making your pet happy and vigorous. From premium quality nutritional support and offering supplements to behavioral support and grooming, we offer everything that your pet demands. Our objective is to make pet wellness effective, stress-free, and easy for every pet owner.

Contact Info

  • Address

    3 Shek Man Path, Kwai Chung,
    Hong Kong

  • Phone


  • Email

    [email protected]

How to Create a Safe and Comfortable Space for Your Pet

Pets are a very crucial part of our lives. They bring companionship, unconditional love, and joy to our lives..

The Power of Play: How Toys Boost Mental Support for Your Pet's

Playtime is not just a fun time for your furry friend; it is very effective in boosting the mental wellness of your furry friend.